These are the days we cross our fingers for!!!!! The chance to see the superpod happens only a handful of times every summer, and each time we are reminded of just how incredible these creatures are. We circumnavigated San Juan Island today, locating members of all three pods, J, K, and L. A gorgeous sunny day allowed for lots of pictures (make sure to check out our facebook page with GREAT photos of all tours!). We got the full experience of Pacific Northwest wildlife today, spotting the Steller Sea Lions as we rounded Cattle Pass, and the Mouflan sheep and Fallow deer on Spieden Island.
The highlight of the tour was spotting J49 and the newest orca calf of J pod, born August 6th! The orcas were in a brilliantly playful mood, breaching, spy hopping, and tail slapping. It was definitely a tour to remember.